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Kevin Carney

Day 10: Walla Walla, WA to Dayton, WA: Perfect bike riding day

Updated: Aug 12, 2023

Wednesday June 14, 2023, 30 miles (48 km) - Total so far: 418 miles (673 km)

Today’s Route:

The total distance from Walla Walla to Clarkston is approximately 95 miles which is longer than we were ready for. Based upon hotel availability, we had to split it up into a short day and a longer day - the short day being today. Todays route was only about 30 miles most of which followed the old HW 12 which is called Middle Waitsburg Road. It took us through the small town of Waitsburg where we joined new HW12, The Lewis and Clark Highway.

It was a beautiful day - sunny and cool, AND we had a tailwind the whole way!

Our destination was the historic Weinhard Hotel which was built in 1890. We were greeted by Sev Jones, the current owner who served us an early dinner and spent some time with us showing us some potential alternative routes to Clarkston. Sev asked us to keep in touch and suggested that we might be able to stay with friends of his that have a place in Great Falls, MT.

Fields of canola

One of the many Lewis & Clark points of interest

Fields of wheat

Nicest public bathroom I've been in lately

Silo surrounded by canola


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