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Kevin Carney

Day 20: Wisdom, MT to Jackson, MT

June 26, 2023

Wise Decision to hunder down in Jackson at the historic Bunkhouse Inn

18 miles

The plan for today was to ride to Dillon, MT which would have been 66 miles and over two more modest mountain passes, Big Hole Pass (7,360 ft) and Badger Pass (6,760 ft).

We got a late start in order to have a nice breakfast at Fetty’s in Wisdom, so perhaps the weather did us a favor. At mile 18 we arrived in Jackson, MT and stopped at the Bunkhouse Inn to see if they had any rooms available, as the skies were very, very dark ahead. We decided to spend the night and tackle the ride to Dillon in the morning. This turned out to be the right decision, because the storm blew right threw Jackson and Wisdom with high winds, rain and hail.

As we settled in we met John, a 68-year old law school professor from Connecticut who is riding the off road Continental Divide Trail and also decided to check in for the night. We met three other cyclists who only stopped for a drink and something to eat before continuing on toward Wisdom. One of the men was from The Hague, Netherlands, where Sharon lived for a year in high school. They were heading West..I hope they outran the storm!

I forgot to mention the mosquitoes which are horrible throughout the Big Hole area. We learned that the farmers flood the hay fields in June which produces an insane amount of mosquitoes. The hay is harvested beginning July 1st and then the mosquitoes clear out. So, I didn’t take very many pictures of this area, as I didn’t want to stop moving! We stopped in a little store in Wisdom, and I saw a bottle of insect repellant with a sign under it - Big Hole Cologne. Hoping for a good night’s sleep and sunny skies tomorrow.

Pioneer Mountain Lodge. Looked like it would be a beautiful day...

Bunkhouse Inn

... and Post Office

That'll get you moving! Taken up Lost Trail Pass where we were riding yesterday.


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